Monday, May 9, 2011

Today's Spirit

Seems today, everyone is searching for something to put their "faith" into.
Whether it be religion, sports, the news; just to name a few. We all are looking to something or someone to give us a sense of stability.  We seek a foundation to stand on. Some place we know we can fall back on when times get tough and we feel like we have been drained and over-run by life's cruel requirements to succeed.
But what are we really looking for and why? Is it that God himself has places this desire in our hearts so we seek Him out during these times of self doubt and denial? I feel as though God longs for us to look to Him for strength, understanding and ultimately, Love.  He has created us with our own strengths and weaknesses. That is how we are all unique and different. For we are all created equal, but we are created with unique traits that define us as individuals.
There is nothing wrong with looking to someone or something to motivate us and renew our strength, but we need to know where or who, rather, to turn to during these times.  We shouldn't rely on the perishable things of this world to quide, strengthen or motivate us. We must find our own relationship with our creator, Father and Lord. Allow Him to fill us with strength, joy and motivation. He made us, He knows us and our desires. Why should we deny Him the abiity to perfect and help us in our time of need? 
"For they that wait upon the Lord; He shall renew their strength..."  Isaiah 40:31